My work involves empowering individuals and couples into Soul-inspired authenticity, intimacy and leadership


Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

My name is Gavin and I’m grateful you’ve stopped by to learn more about me and my work.

Throughout my 40 years as a licensed psychotherapist—providing one-on-one mentoring to clients, leading workshops and speaking before large audiences—I’ve had the privilege of facilitating intuitive transformational work with thousands of people as they’ve successfully traversed major turning points in their lives.

For as long as I can remember, I've had a gift for mirroring to others their unique beauty and strengths—and assist them in relating to themselves in a more loving and compassionate way.



“Authenticity, intimacy and leadership are powerful forces individually—and their power increases exponentially when they are intertwined. Authenticity involves residing deeply in your most essential self, intimacy involves sharing this deeper self in a transparent way, and leadership activates our spiritual gifts and vision in service to others.”

                                         ~ Gavin

  • Do you feel like you've hit an internal and external plateau—and are at a crossroads in your evolution? 
  • Do you have a gnawing sense that new levels of aliveness and achievement are close at hand—but just don't know how to access and manifest them?
  • How often do you let yourself drink from the deeper streams of life?
  • Do you long to make an even larger contribution to the lives of others by sharing your unique gifts in more unbridled ways?
  • Would you like wholehearted support in establishing a deeper connection with your wisdom and creativity?

My clients are typically traversing what I call a sacred passage. This is a fertile yet often turbulent time in which they are being asked to consciously explore new paradigms for expressing higher levels of authentic leadership. This bold territory is where higher consciousness meets enlightened business and lifestyle.

Here are some reflections on sacred passages:

Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

My work is for those with a sincere desire to strengthen their connection with their Authentic Self, which allows new levels of insight and courage to emerge and transform their lives. This deeper Self is a multi-dimensional storehouse of love and creativity—and is the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit.

Some reflections on authentic leadership:

Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor


Individuals who come my way are typically leaders who have the capacity to have a profound impact on the lives of others. Their visionary nature, coupled with their humility, allows them to recognize that what’s often required during times of major change is the strategic leverage of an experienced mentor.

As soon as Gavin and I had our first call, everything shifted. Our work genuinely transformed the way I think about myself. What I tell anyone when they ask what it is like to work with Gavin is that it is like unlocking everything and you see it clearly for the first time.

~ Rachel Bell, Founder, Online Coach University


“It was under Gavin’s mentorship that I dared to “retire” from my long-standing, unfulfilling profession and go back to school to engage my passion as an artist. Now I am working at something that is wholeheartedly ME, expressing in ways that empower others. My life has never been the same. For those willing to do whatever it takes to be all that they truly are in this lifetime, I highly recommend Gavin as a wise, loving and masterful mentor.”

~ Betsy Horowitz, Entrepreneur & Artist

Click here to learn more about 1-on-1
Mentorship Programs with Gavin
or schedule a complimentary 45-minute Discovery Call with Gavin

~ We invite you to deepen and expand your consciousness within a soul-filled online community

~ Bi-monthly sessions held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month via Zoom

It has been a prayer of mine for many years to bring together my community of fellow travelers into sacred space where we can deepen and expand our consciousness in new ways while also building rich connections with those dedicated to living in alignment with their Soul. Alongside my beloved Joy in these rich gatherings, this prayer is not only fulfilled, it is beyond what I imagined.

Soul Gatherings are healing and empowering online sessions, held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month via Zoom, that will support you in cultivating a deeper connection with the presence and wisdom of your Authentic Self—your Soul. This will naturally lead into greater levels of authenticityintimacy, and leadership in your life.

These gatherings are designed as a learning sanctuary, a safe space for authentic sharing and inspired discovery—within an affirming global community of kindred souls.


~ We invite you to deepen and expand your consciousness within a soul-filled online community

~ Bi-monthly sessions held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month via Zoom

It has been a prayer of mine for many years to bring together my community of fellow travelers into sacred space where we can deepen and expand our consciousness in new ways while also building rich connections with those dedicated to living in alignment with their Soul. Alongside my beloved Joy in these rich gatherings, this prayer is not only fulfilled, it is beyond what I imagined.

Soul Gatherings are healing and empowering online sessions, held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month via Zoom, that will support you in cultivating a deeper connection with the presence and wisdom of your Authentic Self—your Soul. This will naturally lead into greater levels of authenticityintimacy, and leadership in your life.

These gatherings are designed as a learning sanctuary, a safe space for authentic sharing and inspired discovery—within an affirming global community of kindred souls.


This groundbreaking exploration of the Authentic Self flows from my 40 years experience as a licensed spiritual therapist and leadership mentor to entrepreneurs. The Real You is a comprehensive work that illuminates and makes accessible the universal path of the Authentic Self.

Each and every person living on the planet has a unique and natural Authentic Self—an eternal presence—that longs to be known, breathed into and lived from. This core of our nature is characterized by love, wisdom and compassion. The Real You is about reconnecting with this dynamic inner presence and following its lead to transform every aspect of your life.

The Real You Book by Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

My book incorporates an in-depth understanding of trauma through the prism of the false self, and makes the bold claim that one can find joy and fulfillment by embracing and transcending the false self. This path of inner work is also immensely relevant on a macro level, for as we own our Soul’s curriculum we are empowered to solve the major challenges unfolding in the world around us.

The Real You interlaces an intimate autobiographical narrative throughout to illustrate the underlying principles and exercises found within each chapter. With a convicted murderer and white supremacist gang leader in my own family, my tragic and triumphant life story is front and center with raw vulnerability.

Think of The Real You as a personalized owner’s manual for your Soul. An ideal companion for anyone on a therapeutic or coaching journey, it’s also an in-depth and accessible resource for practitioners desiring to integrate spirituality into their work with clients.

The Real You is now available in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook versions through Amazon.

I look forward to you partaking of the book and will be most grateful if you decide to write a review on Amazon, as this step is a key variable that supports the book in becoming well-known.


Dive Deeper into Authentic Leadership

If you’d like to receive a complimentary downloadable PDF of a core chapter from my book, “The Nine Signature Qualities of Your Authentic Self,” simply click here to join my email list:

The Real You Book by Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

Below are a few selections from my Reflections on Authentic Living video series:

Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor

I have served as a keynote speaker and workshop designer/facilitator for large gatherings all around the world. If you are crafting an inspirational event for your organization—anywhere from a keynote speech to a week-long, experiential conference workshop—I specialize in customizing themes tailored to specific audiences. 


Gavin Frye, Spiritual Therapist & Leadership Mentor
  • Daring to Be Used for a Higher Purpose
  • Embodying Authentic Leadership
  • The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in an Awakening Civilization
  • The Nine Signature Qualities of the Authentic Self
  • Identifying & Celebrating Your Unique Gifts
  • Embracing Life’s Sacred Passages
  • The Power of Presence
  • Spirit-Led Entrepreneurship

Learn more about Gavin and his unique professional background.


Click below to join my email list and receive a FREE chapter from my book,“The Real You: Leading Your Life From Your Authentic Self.” 


Connect with me directly
through my email
or social media sites. 


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