$40.00 USD

Every month

30 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By subscribing to the Soul Gatherings, you understand that the sessions will be recorded for the benefit of those who are in the group and either missed or want to review the session. These recordings will be available for only one month in the learning portal.

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Soul Gatherings Series

We invite you to deepen and expand your consciousness within a soul-filled community...

Upon completing your enrollment, you will receive:

  • A Confirmation Email with your Zoom link and a little more about what to expect.
  • Access to your very own learning portal — where all session recordings will be published and available for viewing for four weeks.
    Note: If you already have an account on the Gavin Frye learning portal, please click login on the upper right of the checkout to make sure that all your courses are stored and available under one email address.

Your subscription is auto-renewing. You can unsubscribe at any time by accessing your account in your learning portal.